mandag den 12. september 2016

Searching for a job? // The LinkedIn 101

The last month has been crazy busy. There is so much stuff to do before getting yourself out on the job market again. As you can tell, I had my last day at You close a door and you open a new one. My experience and time there was great!

In this blog post, I will be giving you a 101 on LinkedIn. It's a great site to use when searching for a job. Some of you are already on LinkedIn. It seemed like a good idea at the time (still is), but you never got the hang of it - thus you may not have been noticed by others yet. I will try to answer following questions; what are the basics on LinkedIn, and why should you have a fully updated LinkedIn profile?

A lot of you are familiar with LinkedIn. It started out as a site for professional networking and job resume database. The social network changed LinkedIn's game. People started being more interactive by liking, sharing and posting personal content.

Personally, I have been on LinkedIn for years, but I recently updated my profile. It's good for personal branding, and I became more aware of how I have developed as a designer within the last 2 years.

Why to be on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn has a job database where business or recruitment companies search for new employees. If you are not on LinkedIn yet - go get started! Networking makes your profile stronger. Did you just see a job that you want? Maybe someone in your network is already working there as we speak. Go get visible. Grab the opportunity to reconnect. It never hurts to try. Someone out there might wanna help you get this job if you ask nicely.

The basics

Make a complete resume of education and jobs. The most important thing is to include a description. What did you accomplish while working at this company? Who doesn't wanna know the skills of those who apply for a job. It might be a match made in heaven.

Profile image

Showing who you are is important these days. It gets you more views on your profile. In my industry, it is important as a designer to have a strong picture to stand out. If you are working in this field too - then quit the selfies and hire a professional photographer. Alternatively, help yourself to take a good professional portrait.

Headline is key

This headline is the introduction of you before people enter your profile. It shows up in the search bar or even on the newsfeed page. This short piece of information is gonna make me wanna click on your picture to know more about you. Spend time making a solid headline about yourself. Use describing words "Creative", "Responsible" or other buzzwords that can trigger interest in you.

// Remember to add in the headline that you are searching for a job (if you are searching for a job). Make it the second thing others notice. Focus should still be on your profession (in my case UX Designer).

The Summary

This is one of the most difficult things to fill out. It is a short text where you introduce and brand yourself. Recruiters will be looking at job title, years of experience and some more specific criteria.

If it is a person from a company who is reading your summary, he or she might stick to other kinds of information - like who are you as a person. Is it a person who will function well with the tasks made and people in the team? Add some personal details about you. Are you a collector of something cool? On the other hand, maybe you are quite the artist. If you think it is too hard to describe yourself, get help from a friend or colleague. Make them put some words on how they see you as a person.

When describing your former job, be sure to tell what kind of assignments you had, what responsibility you had and examples on what kind of success you had while working there.

Your language or international?

Are you not sure wether to have a profile in your own language or in English? Look at what your network is doing. Who is in your network? What kind of jobs and companies do you wanna attract? Sometimes a company might search with English keywords and if you text is in - let's say; Spanish, you will not show up in their search result.


It's always good to have people recommend you. People from a former job or maybe just people you worked with on different projects. Let them tell others why you are a great candidate for a job at other companies.

Show off

At last, show off your projects. Be proud of the work you did for another company. It can be web design, or if you're in the fashion design industry - a dress you designed for a fashion show. Someone out there might want your talent.

Thanks for sitting tight. I learned a lot during research. I hope that you will find this blog post useful as well.

// Check out My LinkedIn Profile

torsdag den 7. juli 2016

How and why to blog as a student during an internship

As a creative person, passion does not only show in your work at the office, it also shows up at home. I am starting over a new leaf with blogging. Some may not know, but blogging is hard work. For those who know, you might feel the same way as I: You have to put on so many different hats to make the blog posts work for those who read them. You're the content creator, editor and the marketer on these blog post of yours. It doesn't matter if you blog about food, cats, UX design or just showing former work projects - it all comes down to one thing: passion.

I am going to tell you about my experience with blogging during my time as an E-concept Developer intern at Let's get to it.


As some of you might know from previous blog posts, I was an intern at back in 2012. I have written and showed you some of the projects before; Redesign of , Klone-oplevelseskoncept, but I have never shown you the blog, "Klone-Praktik", that was made during the internship.

//Find link in the end of this blog post!

Blogging as an intern be like...

We were three interns in the group. Back then, I was responsible for updating our blog. I already had some experience with blogging, so it seemed like the right way to do it. Here is what we did - and what you can do as well.

Why start up a blog during an internship?
  • We were not located and seated in's office, so to keep our boss up-to-date on how the concept was evolving from day to day, we started the blog "Klone-Praktik".
  • To share the blog with our teachers who wanted documentation on our learning and progress during the internship.
  • My own personal goal with the blog was an oppotunity to document my work and later on show it off (for example to you guys).

Daily brief at the end of the workday
  • Reflectation on what was accomplished 
  • What tasks we finished/made progress on
  • What is worth writing or showing on the blog today
  • Include images when possible - makes it more interesting to read
So, what happened to the concept? is still a psychical concept, but they never got to release our e-concept on live. It's a pity, because the concept and the idea of this online universe for kids and their families, was something that could really lift the quality and service of Klone. We had free liberty to use the case and concept we made, in our online portfolios.

I hope that this blog post inspire you to start up your own blog for your study projects. To me it was a great experience, even if it did not involve a lot of readers or followers. Considering to do it? Go nuts!

Phew! Thanks for hanging in there with me. Don't forget to visit the blog "Klone-Praktik" (Note: Blog is in Danish). And remember; it's never to late to start up your own blog. See you soon, folks - and happy blogging!

fredag den 3. juni 2016

Something new

Hi all,
It's time for me to move on and try something new.

Being a UX Designer at (and has been an amazing journey. I've learned so much. Working with different media has always been growing on me. is a site and company in bloom, and I am happy that I've gotten the chance to work on the site, make great colleagues and see the business grow.

I will soon be uploading posts with projects that I've attended at my time at and

Now, let's talk business ...

I am looking for new challanges. If you're interested in having a passionate UX designer at your team, check out my LinkedIn below

/Sara Katerin

søndag den 31. august 2014


I nailed it !

I am the new UX designer at
GulOgGratis, Fynske Medier, Odense !

/Sara Katerin

onsdag den 4. juni 2014

Clockwork Reklamebureau

Once again I have been MIA (missing in action), and for that I am sorry - or not ...

Actually, I have been working an internship at Clockwork Reklamebureau in Odense, Denmark. "Odense?", you might think - "But you live in Aalborg?". Yes, I do. However, that sure did not stop me from leaving or just sit back and let somebody else get that chance. Besides, I enjoy working.

I have learned a lot and met some great people at my time at Clockwork.

My main tasks at Clockwork was to do all the social media strategies. I got to work on a Facebook strategy for the company, Zelected Foods, and a regular social media strategy for The Call Company. One of my first tasks was to analyze Clockwork and brainstorm on a social media strategy that would make their cherry pop. I had a lot of fun with these assignments - I love social media. So rich, and it has so much influence on your everyday life.

Also; I got to work a MAC computer for the first time - I found it quite easy when I got the hang of it.

Clockwork - Thank you for a wonderful internship. I would love to come back sometime and see how things are cooking at you little agency.

The Call Company assignment

I had some business to attend in Aalborg almost every weekend, so I got to travel a lot

The office - retro signs

Cake day at the office

Illustrations in Adobe Illustrator CS6

Pantone cups - A designer must have !

//Be innovative and follow the mainstream trend of social media - or else you will find yourself outdated in no time. Take care.

/Sara Katerin

onsdag den 9. april 2014

While we wait; NEW CV DESIGN

Oh well ..

I might as well break some of my latest designs for you - but it is not the top secret one!

Being a e-conceptdeveloper, a graphic designer, a digital artis and a maker of new digital concepts, is not just a job to me - it is a lifestyle and my passion.

I am what I do - passioned.

/Sara Katerin

søndag den 23. marts 2014

Lillian Anyayo logoudkast

Logoudkast til frisør, Lillian Anyayo, Aalborg.

Da jeg flyttede til Aalborg tog jeg altid hjem til Skive for at blive klippet, men så fik jeg anbefalet Lillian Anyayo, som på daværende tidspunkt arbejdede hos Eclore, Aalborg. I november 2013 blev Lillian Anyayo selvstændig og fik sit eget brand og salon under Jomfru Ane Wellness. Hertil skulle hun bruge et logo og spurgte om mine tanker og idéer til hendes nye identitet. Her er mit bud og logoudkast:

Logoet blev dog aldrig realiseret, da hun valgte en billigere løsning. Opgaver var dog underholdende at arbejde med, og jeg fik udfordret mig selv kreativt.

Til sidst kan jeg varmt anbefale Lillian Anyayo (Y)

Klik på link for at besøge hendes Facebook page:

God dag til jer alle

/Sara Katerin