onsdag den 4. juni 2014

Clockwork Reklamebureau

Once again I have been MIA (missing in action), and for that I am sorry - or not ...

Actually, I have been working an internship at Clockwork Reklamebureau in Odense, Denmark. "Odense?", you might think - "But you live in Aalborg?". Yes, I do. However, that sure did not stop me from leaving or just sit back and let somebody else get that chance. Besides, I enjoy working.

I have learned a lot and met some great people at my time at Clockwork.

My main tasks at Clockwork was to do all the social media strategies. I got to work on a Facebook strategy for the company, Zelected Foods, and a regular social media strategy for The Call Company. One of my first tasks was to analyze Clockwork and brainstorm on a social media strategy that would make their cherry pop. I had a lot of fun with these assignments - I love social media. So rich, and it has so much influence on your everyday life.

Also; I got to work a MAC computer for the first time - I found it quite easy when I got the hang of it.

Clockwork - Thank you for a wonderful internship. I would love to come back sometime and see how things are cooking at you little agency.

The Call Company assignment

I had some business to attend in Aalborg almost every weekend, so I got to travel a lot

The office - retro signs

Cake day at the office

Illustrations in Adobe Illustrator CS6

Pantone cups - A designer must have !

//Be innovative and follow the mainstream trend of social media - or else you will find yourself outdated in no time. Take care.

/Sara Katerin

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